Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Simplifying LOA

I subscribe to a 2-minute newsletter by Tzabia Siegel, a Toronto-based Certified Nutritionist and Professional Coach ( and Her approach focuses on six key ingredients to your ultimate physical, emotional, and spiritual health: mind, emotion, food, soul, movement, and rest.

In this particular newsletter, she provides some helpful and straightforward techniques in learning to understand and implement the Law of Attraction principles into your life:

"I know from talking with clients and other people that there is some confusion as to how to actually make use of the principle of attraction. As it is a principle that those looking for lifetime weight loss need to be clear about, I will lay it out here.

As far as how to create what you want through attraction, here is a simplified version of how you can make use of the ask, believe, receive process that was laid out in ‘The Secret’:

  • Ask yourself, “What do I want?” Be detailed. Get into the nooks and crannies of your desires. Write it down. Ask yourself “why do I want this?” If you are not motivated by something that you deeply value, it is unlikely that you will devote the time and energy to making it a reality.
  • Believe by expressing your desire in every way that you can. Tell someone, write it out, compose a song and sing it, create a piece of art, dance it, visualize it, etc. That will increase the attention and the feeling that you bring to your desire. It is imperative to engage your emotions as attention follows feeling more strongly than thought.
  • Prepare yourself to receive by asking yourself, “What are the obstacles and the fears that are keeping me from my what I desire?” Write those down as well. Then use the tools that you have at hand to clear those obstacles. If you do not have effective tools, seek help to learn them. Check out my free article “Tools to Help You Deal with Your Emotions so that You Can Create Change” for insight into some options that you can use. You will find that article on my website.
  • Repeat the above as often as you need to. You may need to be patient because desires can take years to become a reality. However the more attention you bring to it and the deeper your willingness to bring focus to the qualities of character you need to be able to receive your desire, the more likely you are to create it."

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